LM Exchange
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Please call us on 800LM (80056 ) or mail to LM Exchange’s Customer care  support  customer.care@lm-exchange.com You can also drop your details below our customer care executive will contact you

you will receive an SMS notification on your registered mobile number while processing the transaction from our end as well as at the time of crediting the amount in your beneficiary’s account.

No you need to pay the VAT on the amount you send However 5% of VAT collected only on services charges as per Federal Tax Authority in UAE.

Yes you can cancel your transaction before it is crediting to your beneficiary’s bank Account and the cancellation charges may apply based on your transaction.

There is no limit fixed for sending money however depending upon the volume of amount you may have to provide source of fund documents and each country has its limit per transaction for more details contact our branches.

We sell and buy more than 40 currencies across our branch counters.

No, We never share your personal data with any third parties for marketing purposes or any other intention.

If your details have changed please visit the nearest branch with valid ID our FLA will do the necessary changes in your profile.

Ensuring the safety and security of your money is central to our business. We comply fully with all relevant regulations and ensure your funds are safe in line with requirements. We are authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of UAE, and are required to hold sufficient capital to protect our business and further safeguard […]

Exchange rates we always display in all our branches Also you can visit our online currency converter page.